Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Worldwide Solidarity with Aceh Punks

64 young people were arrested at a punk concert in Banda Aceh on Saturday December 11th. A few days later they were taken to a police training school, where their hair was ritually shaved, their clothes and possessions were taken from them, they were forced to pray, and the Acehnese authorities stated that they would be held for 10 days for 're-education'. Actions in support of the punks have taken place across Indonesia but also around the world as punk communities have responded to the news, after mainstream media outlets broadcast pictures of the mass detention.

What happened in Aceh?

After years of war and the devastation of the 2004 tsunami, a peace process was started which resulted in considerable autonomy for Indonesia's northernmost province. Former GAM fighters won the elections. One of the changes they brought in was a form of Islamic Syaria'h law, which is not enforced in any other part of Indonesia. Currently Aceh is in the run-up to new elections and different candidates are pitching their image to the public.

In nearly all parts of Indonesia there is a large punk scene. Many young homeless kids are attracted by the music and the lifestyle and can support each other in many ways, forming a subcultural community. Indonesian punks often earn a living by busking on buses or at traffic lights, and travel the country for free, hitch-hiking on the back of trucks. But at concerts, which are usually free or cheap and organised according to DIY ethics, people from all backgrounds come along.

The concert on 10th December 2011 was a benefit gig to raise money for orphans. Apparently the event started at about 3pm and it was supposed to continue into the night. but at 21.30, police climbed onto the stage and demanded that the event should finish. The people there tried to negotiate for the gig to continue, but the cops didn't seem to care. Reacting to the cops' behaviour, the punks started singing a popular resistance song, Darah Juang (blood of struggle), but as it happened, that song seemed to provoke the anger of the cops who then started beating people and arresting them.

The arrested punks were taken to the Seulawah National Police School one hour from Banda Aceh city. That's where their hair was shaved off and they were forced into the lake. Punks in Aceh who weren't arrested have found it difficult to get any communication with their friends, because it seems they are in isolation.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Aceh For The Punk

  "Why? Why my hair?" he said, pointing to his clean-shaven head. "We didn't hurt anyone. This is how we've chosen to express ourselves. Why are they treating us like criminals?"



Anak-anak Punk di Aceh Ditangkap 


Akhir pekan lalu, polisi menangkap 65 anak-anak punk saat menggelar konser di Taman Budaya, Banda Aceh. Mereka kemudian ditahan dibawa ke Sekolah Polisi Negara (SPN) Seulawah, Aceh Besar, untuk dibina. Di sana mereka dibina dan awal pembinaan dengan menceburkan mereka ke kolam. Rambut ala Mohawk mereka juga dicukur plontos dan yang perempuan dipotong pendek, ala polisi wanita.

Anak-anak punk dilarang berkreasi di Aceh. Mereka ditangkap dan dibina kepolisian daerah. Pemerintah Daerah Kota Banda Aceh dan polisi menilai keberadaan mereka meresahkan masyarakat.

 Sumber :  http://www.tempo.co

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011



21 April 2012 pukul 20:00 di Tenis Indoor Senayan

Sumber info :


Ternyata yang create nih acara salah satu personil nya GBH gan :

Colin "Jock" Blyth :

Guitarist of hardcore punk band Charged GBH

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Bintang Sepak Bola Spanyol Kicks Off Kampanye Orangutan

Carles Puyol - Bertindaklah Sekarang Untuk Orangutan

Bintang sepak bola Spanyol Carles Puyol, yang kapten FC Barcelona dan memimpin Spanyol menjuarai Piala Dunia satu tahun lalu, kini menangani tantangan yang lebih besar - menyelamatkan orangutan.
Puyol adalah fitur dalam "Undang-Undang Sekarang untuk Orangutan," kampanye baru dari Kemitraan Kelangsungan Hidup Kera Besar (GRASP) dan International Animal Rescue (IAR) yang bertujuan untuk menghentikan geser dramatis menuju kepunahan orangutan. Kurang dari 66.000 orangutan liar diperkirakan tetap di hutan-hutan Kalimantan dan Sumatra, dan lebih dari setengah populasi yang telah hilang sejak tahun 1950.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Camfroger Indonesia Waspada Tindak Kejahatan & Penipuan di Camfrog

Semaraknya shopping online dari berbagai keperluan dijual secara online yang biasanya kita mengenali dengan forum jual beli kalau di forum-forum, menambah daya upaya promo lewat internet sehingga orang semakin mudah mencari referensi sekaligus membelinya. Termasuk dunia chatting seperti Camfrog yang merupakan aplikasi chatting plus video ini juga ada transaksi untuk jual beli aksesoris Camfrog.

Aksesoris yang di jual di situs resmi Camfrog berbagai macam aksesoris  seperti Pro Code, Gift, Server, Bot, mungkin hanya empat itu yang utama yang diperjualbelikan untuk menambah fitur dan prestise atau sikap lainnya yang memang saling dukung dan menguntungkan.
Aksesoris dari Camfrog ini pun rawan tindak kejahatan dunia internet karena hanya modal kepercayaan saja, sikap seperti inilah dapat dimanfaatkan oleh orang-orang yang berbuat kejahatan. Sebagai Camfroger Indonesia hal ini menjadi keperihatinan KACI selaku wadah Komunitas Camfroger Indonesia dalam memanfaatkan aplikasi ini dengan baik dan benar.
Modus yang dipergunakan terkadang menjual code pro "aspal" atau "abal-abal" yang sudah tersebar, pro codenya yang dipergunakan lebih dari 2 user sehingga sering terjadi "mental" karena dipergunakan lebih dari dua orang. Modus lainnya ngaku-ngaku senior atau pemain lama Camfrog padahal Komunitas Camfroger Indonesia (KACI) tidak pernah mengatakan atau menggunakan kata pengguna Camfrog itu senior atau orang lama, semuanya sama ga peduli itu baru, pemain lama, yang penting bisa bermain secara sehat, bermanfaat dan bertanggung jawab untuk menjalin persaudaraan dan kekeluargaan.